♥ Tuesday, July 24, 2007
haiish so sian today so sick frm first lesson slp till last lesson.. mr goh let me slp in e d&t room durin recess n when e rest go downstair complete e work... haiish stay at e room whole 5 period plus recess.. felt so sick lor.. till now still not really well.. haiish sian.. felt so tired somehw really wish i can slp n dun need wake up anymore haiish!
i hate tis world la is so tirin n sian! especially at july to september i hate tis few mth norh! freak every yr durin tis few mth gt alot of thin happen de! haiish i hate it! cant it let me hav peace jus only peace haiish! i noe cant haiish i jus too tired, if i can rest 4 eva tat wont b e best bt.. haiish!
goin out ltr to dunno wher jus wan peace n silent.. haiish continue ritin when i my mood gt better mayb! haiish sian..
♥ Wednesday, July 18, 2007
hmm ytd nvr go ssp cus veri sian n sick.. haiish! tired aft sch jiu go out wif peiling[teo] we go near de police post dere de cafe eat.. haha nice lor finally eat a proper meal haha.. haiish.. aft tat peiling come wo de hus use com.. around 7plus den me n her go out i pei her home..
den i walk to near blk361 sit dere frm 8 to 8.30 haiish so sian cus gor la wat say wan study act gaui first lol.. lame dao.. sian aft tat me n gor walk till dunno wher de park which gor say he owaz go de.. we sit dere not long den i saw some1 quite familiar actually not sure isit him.. aft tat he walk here walk dere finally walk dao infront me n gor! i jiu ask gor is tis kk den i shout his name lol jus infront he nvr c us lor so lame! stupid sia my zeh... haha..
he saw wo jiu say a kaien, lame dao la den ask wo me n his zeh quarral huh? i jiu say hw u noe he giv wo a veri lame reply! den gor saw him jiu ask him u kana suspend ar? he say no, lol so lame la they both.. gor say he n ms soo veri close ms soo tell him kk kana suspend so lame rite.. bt funny! hmm den kk go find his frenz no long i ask him come here i ask him thin.. he sit down no de floor den i 4gt wat i ask bt i noe he told me today is his bday! i say i omst 4gt sry! haha wan beat him he jiu run away win liao la!
nvm dun rite liao la tired ar go rest liao... bye tc norh!
♥ Friday, July 13, 2007
hmm today so sian aft sch meet gor go timezone he come at 3plus lor.. so sian so me, sito n hongpeng go dere first i felt so sian den play awhile nia jiu very lei mayb cus i wholeday nvr eat plus i drink coffee.. so tat y lor.. haiish nvm.. gor 3 plus come liao.. den me n him jiu go mac buy drink we sit outside haiish so sian lor.. sit dere very long lor.. den hongpeng n sito jiu come find us at mac.. sit awhile we jiu go back liao.. me n gor stroll back to blk 637 dere sit dere till 5.30 lor.. den reach home call him chat till goin 7 jiu go back wdl liao.. bt gor call wo to chat when i on e way goin wdl.. hmm so sian lor.. everyday c my hus e 4 wall haiish tat y hate stayin at home lor.. haiish
♥ Thursday, July 12, 2007
ytd go out frm 6.50pm walk slowly to yishun park find gor i took 45min lor.. haha cus i stroll dere.. den on e way walk till blk410 jiu saw gor liao.. den one bicycle bang into wo.. haha notin la nvr die lol..
den we go walk through yishun park to near blk660 de coffee shop cus gor wan eat fries.. haiish sit dere quite long de la.. den gor started smokin, haiish c him smoke really hor haiish continuous wan lor haiish really very sad la!gor ar dun smoke so much can? haiish..
around 8plus u walk back to e coffee shop find thin eat den notin eat gor suggest go near his hus de coffee shop eat! we walk till dere around 9 liao, bt i still dun feel like eatin.. bt i still anyhow buy lor cus if i dun eat gor will scold wo de.. in e end i still cant finish, i eat some jiu dun wan eat liao... bt no choice he force wo eat de lor... haiish i end up eat half jiu dun wan liao.. hehe
aft eatinwalk.. walk till blk435 slack we sit dere till around 11pm.. hmm i took some pic wif gor.. i tink i can upload a few.. we jiu go walk

♥ Tuesday, July 10, 2007
very de sian my ssp start le... haiish today my tcher in-charge is ms soo lor so sian haiish... to me everyday is very de sian bt today is tired lor feelin down plus tired my eye almost close down lor.. haiish.. k la dun wan rite leh cus wanna go downstair to find my gor.. need some fresh air now n wanna drink.. haiish too tired need a break for myself.. haiish
♥ Monday, July 09, 2007
friday we break sistaship le.. almost 3 yrs sista.. haiish is so sad lor! haiish feelin so down bt i gt no choice too.. i say oso say liao scold oso scold liao.. i realy dunno wat to dun lor.. haiish darm sad la..
haiish dun wan say tis le la haiish it make me more sad la.. haiish break sista is worst den break up lor.. im in e colourful sotong world b4 breakin sista bt im back to black white world since we break sista... haiish i nvr wanna giv up u i nvr eva wanna giv up u really!if u r willin to turn back im still dere waitin for u de.. our secrect u rmb at yishun park nite.. i owaz say sista for eva, owaz b dere for u! wish u rmb, i owaz still dere for u... haiishpls turn back la dun continue to b wrong can.. i dun wanna walk to e worst.. u noe it doesnt mean myself bt i dun wanna treat u heartlessly c'in u walk to e wrong path bt nvr stop u.. only sendin u to stright away to e punishment... haiish i really dun wan cus it break my heart n i blive colin, serwei, corinne, hongpeng, nick n more will b sad too.. turn while now is still not too late!
♥ Thursday, July 05, 2007
yeah finally past 100 days liao im free to wear any color le.. haha haiish today late 4 sch so nvr go.. hehe colin gor noe le will scold me ma mayb haha.. one more thin he sure say me de which istue i go home change jiu go tpy.. on e way to khabit mrt kana screen sian lor.. haiish very e lame lor four of us kana.. haha.. haiish wish he wont scold.. dun say tis ba!today nvr go sch i dun plan to c doc or rite letter...